About Us

At Fairdeals, we are passionate about connecting buyers and sellers in the food industry to provide a sustainable solution for surplus food. With over a decade of experience in the field, our team has built a network of trusted contacts across the UK and Europe, creating a marketplace where sellers can easily reach new customers and buyers can access a diverse range of high-quality food products at competitive prices.

Our mission is to reduce food waste by providing a platform that facilitates the buying and selling of surplus food products. With billions of websites online, we stand out by offering a marketplace that is convenient, cost-effective, and secure for both buyers and sellers. Whether you’re a small-scale producer or a large distributor, we aim to provide you with personalized guidance and a range of tools to help you manage your inventory and increase sales.

At Fairdeals, we take pride in our commitment to customer service. Our dedicated team is available to assist you at every step of the process, from listing your products to shipping and handling. We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients, and we strive to create a supportive community where everyone can thrive.

Join us today and be a part of the solution to reduce food waste while increasing accessibility to quality food products.

How do we help you?

We are aware that there are now tens, if not hundreds, of ways to market your goods and get the best price. To help you select the best option for you, we cut through the noise by sharing our experience, research, and user insights. Our decades of experience in food market has enabled us with contacts and right opportunities at right time to stop wastage of food lying in containers or ta ware houses and provide the market place to buy and sell.


We are talking to you

We have thousands of visitors just like you coming to our site every day. That’s why we take the opportunity to listen to and learn from you.

We spend many hours researching, writing, editing, and double-checking each piece of content we produce to ensure it is accurate and beneficial. You can read our in-depth reviews. Contact us if you have time and want more personalized recommendations and suggestions.


The Fairdeal bidding platform, an online marketplace for buying and selling goods, offers several important features, such as:

  • User registration and login system
  • Item listing and bidding system
  • Real-time bidding updates
  • Notifications for outbid or winning bids
  • Payment and shipping options
  • A feedback and rating system for buyers and sellers

Send us a Message

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our company. We strive to be as transparent as possible in all our interactions. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by using the contact form